WeGo.ca Website Developers Inc. – Website Design & Management.

Changes to Twitter

Lost Twitter Bird

Twitter recently announced that they will be changing the way that they allow people to use the information in their tweets.

Check with your Developer or Website Administrator to make sure your Twitter feed continues to function after March 2013.  Please take the following steps to make sure your Tweets continue working on your website:

Step 1:

Go to the My applications page on the Twitter website to set up your website as a new Twitter ‘application’. You may need to log-in using your Twitter user name and password.

Step 2:

If you don’t already have a suitable ‘application’ that you can use for your website, set one up on the Create an Application page.

It’s normally best to use the name, description and website URL of the website where you plan to use the Twitter feed.

You don’t need a Callback URL.

Step 3:

After clicking Create your Twitter application, on the following page, click on Create my access token.

Step 4:

Copy the Consumer key, Consumer secret, Access token and Access token secret from your Twitter application page into the settings in your Twitter widget.

Step 5:

Click on Save Changes. If there are any problems, you will get an error message from Twitter which should help diagnose the problem.